
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

1. Relating to a non-localized factor; such as, a disease caused by an imported factor or organism.
2. A reference to a disease brought into a region from some other external area.
3. Relating to a disease which is observed far away from the area in which it originated.
A reference to aphasia in which the patient cannot express his/her thoughts in writing but who can copy a written or printed script.
eclectic (adjective)
1. Choosing what is best or preferred from a variety of sources, ideas, or styles.
2. Made up of elements from various sources.
3. Not following any one system, as of philosophy, medicine, etc.; but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems.
4. Noting or pertaining to works of architecture, decoration, landscaping, etc., produced by a certain person or during a certain period, that derive from a wide range of historic styles.

The style in each instance often being chosen for its fancied appropriateness to local tradition, local geography, the purpose to be served, or the cultural background of the client.

5. Etymology: from French eclectique, from Greek eklektikos, "selective"; literally, "picking out", from eklektos, "selected"; from eklegein, "to pick out, to select"; from ek, "out" + legein, "to gather, to choose". Originally a group of ancient philosophers who selected doctrines from every system available to them.
1. The apparent path of the Sun's annual motion relative to the stars, shown as a circle passing throuh the center of the imaginary sphere (celestial sphere) containing all of the celestial bodies.
2. Relating to, involving, or typical of an eclipse.
An ovule that curves towards the horizontal edge of the carpel.
ecstatic (adjective); more ecstatic, most ecstatic
1. Pertaining to a person's condition of overwhelming and positive emotion: exalted: After his wife gave birth to their first baby, Jack was totally ecstatic and called up the new grandparents immediately and told them of the good news!

Jim saw his father's ecstatic gaze directed toward his mother while she was giving a piano recital.
2. Referring to a person's reaction of being enraptured; delighted beyond measure: She was in a state of ecstatic joy when the publisher decided to publish her short storeies.
3. Etymology: A compound formed from the prefix ek-, "out" and histanae, "place" (a distant relative of English word stand). In other words, anyone who is ecstatic can be described as being "out of his/her mind."

The underlying notion of being "beside oneself, in the grip of extreme passion" has survived in modern English as it relates to mystic experiences or trances, and also, in such phrases as "an ecstasy of rage", and the specific sense of "delight" developed more recently, as historical times are concerned, perhaps in the 17th century.

—Based on information from
Dictionary of Word Origins by John Ayto;
Arcade Publishing; New York; 1990.
Of the nature of an eidolon.
1. Tending to resume its initial shape after being stretched or bent.
2. A rubber band used in dental appliances.
3. Easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded; flexible; springy; rebounding.
4. In physics, returning to or capable of returning to an initial form or state after deformation.
5. Quick to recover, as from disappointment: "The speaker had an elastic spirit."
6. Capable of adapting to change or a variety of circumstances.
7. Etymology: coined in French about 1651 as a scientific term to describe gases, from Greek elastos, "ductile, flexible".
Characterized by elastosis or degeneration and fragmentation of elastic fibers.
1. Of or having to do with electricity.
2. Charged with electricity; such as, an electric battery.
3. Containing, producing, arising from, or actuated by electricity, or designed to carry electricity and capable of doing it.

Examples are electric energy, electric lamp, electric eel, electric vehicle, and electric motor.

4. Carrying electricity, or designed to carry electricity.
5. Run by electricity; for example a musical instrument like an electric guitar, producing sounds electronically through a speaker.

Electric, in many cases is used interchangeably with electrical, and it is often restricted to the description of particular devices or to concepts relating to the flow of electric current; such as, an electric fire or an electric charge.

Psychedelic effects or altered perceptions or sensory experiences produced electrically.